Ghetto violence is a very useful tool for the progressives. So, the places where the Garkirah Barneses live are segregated, which gives the, Well, the Austin neighborhood on the West Side (next door to still nearly crime-free Oak Park, IL) was segregated up until Martin Luther King came to Chicago and demanded open housing. Really dirty kills too. The code of the digital street then compels rivals to reply with posts disrespecting the dead. It comes down to probable cause, and if youre young, black, male and (most importantly) hanging out in a certain place at a certain time of day without purposeful behavior, that may constitute probable cause, given the cumulative probabilities of all those factors. At 4:04 p.m. on Sept. 4, JoJo posted a video of himself and his comrades driving into Keefs territory. As evening neared, JoJo announced over Twitter that he was on 69th Street. I dunno if thats what youre getting at, but I like it. My in-laws, being nice liberal public school teachers and classical musicians, joined a liberal organization devoted to making integration work by promising not to sell out. New York also hired a lot more police officers in response to the crime of the 1990s. (Jaro), -Shooter was wearing blue jeans, a black hoodie and a skimask, black dreads were visible out of the skimask, -Alot of "witness" most of them referring to Dayvon Bennett as the shooter, without a doubt, some of them choosing his photo out of a lineup, some pulling back this claim; one of the females witnesses last names was not covered on accident saying COLEMAN. Joseph Coleman was only 18 when he was killed after trash talking about rapper Chief Keef. my Glock thank you very much. JoJo fell mortally wounded. On top of that, JoJos brother, Cashout, posted a video of himself calling Keefs mother, with him leering at the camera as her voice crackles over speaker phone. There was a 1990s television show called Family Matters, which was filmed in front of a live studio audience in Burbank, but Chicago was the fictional setting of the show. The super voucher program is small and mostly given to friends and relatives of Chicago Housing Authority employees and politicians. Sorry, but I just find the whole lot of them pathetic as well as being an evil damned nuisance. So at least you can sell out early. Some NRA wannabes comic book? Are you a drug taking unsuccessful Londoner? Meanwhile Chinese and Russian big money is not going to sit quietly while their investments erode away. Those who once bowed their heads are now raising their voices to demand greater oversight and a new cemetery entrance to facilitate a more orderly arrival. Well, if the Constitution is the living, breathing, morphing document that liberals say it is, maybe not, in some cases. Good to see Durk (Lamron/300/OTF) Kyro (NLMB) this looked awkward, CPD not playing no more streets finna be dried up . Trayvons autopsy did not test for DXM but it did show high levels of THC in his blood. The problem is black African DNA. Davis has been working at Mount Hope for 12 of his 28 years and he has buried more than enough young people of his acquaintance to perpetually reconfirm his wisdom in choosing honest toil over the streets. for Chicago. No teeth to it. And Chicago is more lenient about illegal handguns than New York, prescribing a one-year minimum for possession versus three and a half years in New York. And their money will always get them into celeb places. For now, those of us who support intelligent policing and incarceration have lost. Killing dysfunctional psychopaths like Gakirah Barnes is a solution, not a problem. A Collection of Interesting, Important, and Controversial Perspectives Largely Excluded from the American Mainstream Media. Cops are expensive public employees yet nowadays many just arent cost-effective. The good news is the hood rats will be paying the market price. Von said it himself in the interview with Gillie and Wallo you either goin die or go to jail or mfs gettin lucky around this bitch (referring to himself beating a murder charge and becoming a rich successful rapper) he even knew he was gone die probably not the way he did but regardless he knew what comes with the streets he said it himself this shit dont end until everybody on each side dead. Steve Sailer and others on this blog get fixated on the possibility of testosterone suppressing treatments. DXM abuse and associated violence was a serious problem in a number of third world countries before their governments cracked down. Maybe even a refundable tax credit for childless women and men of limited means for personal development or something like that. After her death, many of Gakirahs Twitter friends articulated deep pain. Patton, a former University of Chicago graduate student, published his study with four co-authors earlier this year. I think the city of Chicago is intellectually bankrupt. tuition and home schooling, secondary and senior secondary level, i.e. While on the Post 9/11 tourist circuit (Ground Zero, etc.) PISA to Test Whether Your Child Has Wha Dueling Laundry Detergent Commercials: . Medical treatment seems to be better so less shooting victims fall into the homicide category. You seem to have a rather free range view of what the 2nd Amendment requires or allows even in the hands of conservatives on SCOTUS. First, there would be a post expressing general loss or grief. As for the hormone blocker, I guess chemical castration is permitted in some states so this could be legalseems to have echoes of A Clockwork Orange that I am sure would get the SJWs wound up.. Im old enough I might be, as Isaac Asimov said of his dystopian timeframe, safely dead by then. It is up to us to continue to concoct new schemes. What possible motive could I have to lie about readily ascertainable history? The future of gun violence prevention depends on a deeper understanding of how social media fills a need for disadvantaged communities hungry for connection, and when a hashtag or emoji is a signpost to the next exchange of gunfire. Steve, Im curious, do you know what that was? . Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. No free negro or mulatto shall be suffered to keep or carry any firelock of any kind, any military weapon, or any powder or lead; and any free negro or mulatto who shall so offend, shall, on conviction before a justice of the peace, forfeit all such arms and ammunition to the use of the informer; and shall moreover be punished with stripes, at the discretion of the justice, not exceeding thirty-nine lashes. And our government encourages, and even mandates, this madness. especially if you not getting caught. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. ; one of the witnesses stated that a few days before subject(Dayvon Bennett) drove up to her, came out and said "BD, You'll(all??) I think its mainly because shes a girl. He and his ilk are the reason that the Miami Herald is going broke. The buying back snd consequent reduction of numbers of automatic and semi-automatic weapons after the 1997 Port Arthur (Tasmania) massacre by a near retard has undoubtedly had one effect only: an almost total elimination of multiple shootings. And I repeat.whats wrong with having portable metal detectors to add heavily to the evidence of probable cause? Gakirah Barnes, 17, was associated with the Fly Boy Gang in Chicago's South Side since her early teens. If Im not mistaken the most she had was like 4-5. In the cases of Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown it was over the counter DXM cough syrup combined with strong pot that likely caused a strong dissociative and even psychosis inducing high similar to PCP. The data presented raises serious questions about some of Charles Murrays conclusions on the relationship between welfare and social disfunction, at least among black Chicagoans. Otherwise it will continue to be a source of wonder that anyone should want to pollute UR with ignorant doubly anonymous rubbish. program which is essential for my career growth. In the 10 years since the massacre, Ive made it my mission to help law enforcement cope with the trauma of repeated exposure to brutal killings. since they gave up their means of self defense. The rich will simply move out to places like the Hamptons, and telecommute or something. Why would they? In Cleveland last year, a five year old boy, a three year old boy and a five month old girl, all black, were killed in drive by shootings. The white folks did in fact have a means to at least attenuate this behavior: the guns and nightsticks of cops and, in the South, the occasional lynching. Eventually the dominant gang in area starts to take over legit businesses. As studies are showing the upsurge in recent violence is less drug turf war related but instead connected to a marked increase in mayhem due to a loss of impulse control. Left wing groups have been calling for a safe and effect male contraception for decades, Vasalgel is likely the best bet. Likeness: Barnes was nicknamed 'Lil Snoop' after the The Wire character Snoop (pictured), played by Felecia Pearson, a cold-blooded Baltimore assassin Mourning: Gakirah Barnes' mother Shontell Brown said her 'sweet and loving' daughter is not the person she has been shown to be The news photo of the gap-toothed girl in her graduation gown, handed to the media by her mother, stood in sharp contrast to the images of Gakirah Barnes brandishing her gun on YouTube. Blacks were allowed a lot more freedom to do to each other than to impact the white community, of course. They sold out. But does the demographic we are talking about actually care about their paternity/legacy/etc.? Keef had made a few videos of his own, a number while under house arrest in his grandmothers residence. Now That We Know King Von Dropped $100K On Ducks Dome Looks like THF Mooda has Swagg Dineros (Bricksquad) 21 Savage arguing with Chicago niggas on clubhouse, Tells Press J to jump to the feed. Theyve largely been squeezed out of serious drug businesses, such as by the Mexican cartels, so theyre just shooting each other over low-level knuckleheadedness. Outside in the funeral home parking lot, somebody blasted Lil JoJos 3HunnaK, and some of the younger mourners began dancing, rapping along with the murdered teen. MBA is a two year master degree program for students who want to gain the confidence to lead boldly and challenge conventional thinking in the global marketplace. Barnes: The Chicago rapper and gang member who supposedly killed 17 people before eventually being murdered herself. (Just kidding.). The cultures of black immigrants isnt as far gone as USA Blacks,. Family Life She has one brother named Kaden. Some city leaders, including Superintendent Eddie Johnson of the Chicago Police Department, have. For years, the Chicago Police Department has been investigating the death of 17-year-old Gakirah K.I. Barnes. Barnes was a member of the Gangster Disciples before she was fatally shot nine times in Chicago. Although Barnes was a teenager, she had already made a reputation for herself, believing to have killed over a dozen people. Curious that there were no details about the child or his parents. He was riding on a friends bike, standing on the rear pegs, at 7:30 p.m., when a tan Ford Taurus pulled up and somebody began shooting. The May 13 game will be played at Scotiabank Arena, home to the Toronto Raptors. Bansley has been compiling incident reports of the some 100 gang-related funeral processions to Mount Hope a year. He was smart asf and knew how to act and handle him self in stressful situations. Eventually, they hope to set their algorithm loose on live Twitter and Facebook feeds and, potentially, other social media platforms. Why not have parole include periodic implants of testosterone blocker chemicals? Police were closely watching Barnes Twitter account and grew worried for her safety and the rival gangs she was antagonizing. Instead of Nyquan and Shaquan having 12 kids with 4 different women each youd have Tyquan who would have 24 kids with 8. Part of all this is the unwillingness to face reality the narrative is always that powerful external forces (white supremacy, poverty, residential segregation, and so on) is responsible for the unbelievably bad group behavior of blacks and to a lesser extent Latinos. But mostly white. In one well-known instance, Gakirah Barnes, a Chicago gang member who was rumored to have killed or shot up to 20 rival gang members, referenced an address she frequented on Twitter. She has gained massive popularity to her kiarabarnesofficial Instagram account with more than 30,000 followers. Any strategy, be it Stop and Frisk or some other application of Broken Windows relies on a substantial increase in man power to make it effective. Something tells me that these werent the type of people Obama had for neighbors during his community organizing days, Assuming Gakirah Barnes father(sperm donor). Perhaps crime went down after the 1980s because there were less adolescents and young adults committing crime. Blacks., T slick came home and got right to business! Plus: How to contact us. Chicagos murder rate increased after 2004 was caused caused by the illegal midnight destruction of Miegs field. Mayor Groot Calls for a Conversation on Tearing Down Chicago's Five Lincoln Statues, Economist: America Is Experiencing the Worst Recorded Increase in Its National Murder Rate. Amazingly this did not stop a street vendor from getting in a loud, profanity-laced argument with a customer that rapidly escalated into a shoving match. This is a valid public safety issue.. Their diagnosis may sound to some like an attempt to duck responsibility for the failure of the local law enforcement system to interdict more illegal firearms or do more to stop repeat shooters before they injure or kill again. I believe they are prohibited in Chicago and New York. Taking the work a step further, he recently teamed up with Columbias Data Science Institute to develop a violence-prevention tool that can detect highly emotional speech on Twitter. Barnesnamed her Twitter account @TyquanAssassin in honor of Rassan Patterson, a friend who was fatally shot by a Chicago Police officer about two weeks before Barnes was killed. Thats what they got me on when the border crossed me. Maybe this sub aint for you.its the STREETS these mfs is literally in gangs. Folks in UK and Aussie land calling for violating the 2nd Amendment might Arclight, Yes in perpetuity. The thugs not only kill and main each other but dozens of innocent bystanders are killed each year in cities like Chicago, Detroit, Cleveland etc. Chicago PD is understaffed, riddled with affirmative corruption, infiltrated by criminal gangs, and, subject to the Ferguson Effect, prone to de-policing. For example, at 10:53 a.m. one day, Gakirah turned to Twitter to grieve the death of a friend. This fiction is politically useful to the left since it gives them someone other than their own voting base to go after. Jones is being praised in death although it sounds like, at least in his mind, he was in the midst of a domestic dispute. Chicago recently did this as well but when the press got wind of voucher holders living in $3000 a month lakefront apts the backlash was swift and unrelenting. Even GOPers are on board with so-called reform of the justice system that would reduce the number of people incarcerated and return them to the streets. Chicagos Memorial Weekend: 40 Shot, 4 Dead by Sunday Morning What on earth must it be like to so trapped like that, such a prisoner of your own skin? one of my most vivid memories is of there being cops EVERYWHERE. They say Florida is California without ideas. In reality Stop & Frisk is really more like Observe, Analyse, Stop, Question, Decide, Frisk, Arrest?, Document & Report. I suspect what Chicago needs is a period of blood letting that wipes out some of the most aggressive and criminal citizens,. American Pravda: How Hitler Saved the Allies. They talk a good game but faced with the prospect of a house stuffed with young urban achievers next door and going to the same school as their kids, a lot will find creative reasons for why its best for them to stay in their current communities, close to services, family and friends. It cant get any worse than these examples and yet the community tolerates it, otherwise they would be lynching these pieces of shit themselves. As different sets and factions continue to war with each other, the story behind these blood feuds continue on with their lengthy trail of death and retaliation. Its their value to landlords as multiple occupancy that boosts the value of the remaining single family homes. (TMB is an abbreviation for Trap Money Brothers or Boys). First, I dont think the crack wars of the early 1990s were ever that bad in Chicago, so they didnt purge Chicago to the same extent of its most violent thugs, as tended to happen in NYC and LA. Unfortunately, and to the detriment of the less wealthy people outside of Chicago, the city has jettisoned its problem to other locales. Already embroiled in a crisis over race and police conduct, Chicago now faces a 62 percent increase in homicides. metal belt buckles.). A lot of nasty people apparently dealt with in a nasty way. Not to be overly cold-blooded about it, but who cares? Well, if the Constitution is the living, breathing, morphing document that liberals say it is, maybe not, in some cases. How do you maintain your impenetrable ignorance? Also, theres some evidence that the number of American black males in NYC is way down due to imprisonment and moving out to avoid stop-and-frisk, but thats kind of tough to tell because it could be just black men dropping off the grid. Datz my blood left my nigga n cold blood . But words of peace are hard pressed to compete with a record company that can put up $3 million for words of inner-city war. All serious beat cops in the projects and such in Harlem, Brooklyn and the Bronx who have seen all sorts of shit. Gang members who use social media typically dont protect their accounts with privacy settings. Since then the courts have forced Chicago to allow people to by handguns, but the time, cost, and bureaucratic grief you have to go through still makes it virtually impossible. The tombstone, if the family has the means and the inclination to purchase one, will be inscribed with the name by which his loved ones knew him, Joseph Coleman. During the worst years of CabriniGreens problems, Gang members and miscreants covered interior walls with graffiti and damaged doors, windows, and elevators. Click here to find out more about karma, how it works and how you can acquire it. They are ONLY available to recent, frequent commenters who have saved their Name+Email using the 'Remember My Information' checkbox, and may also ONLY be used three times during any eight hour period. Apart from pathological liars or inveterate liars for sheer mischief it makes no sense to diagnose lying without a motive. Another said: Jst Brought A Crate of Guns Im on my way Thru Lamron shot u n Whoeva next 2 u.. In a suburb of Chicago one could almost (but maybe not quite) leave your doors unlocked when you left home to run an errand. Heres an old Atlantic article that picks up on the nuances among Chicagos black population. As has been pointed out here and many other places, young violent men basically cannot be rehabilitated in most cases all you can do is take them out of the population via the criminal justice system until they are older and substantially less testosterone-filled. Who Is the Most Accurate Media Source on Intelligence? At the graveside, the ritual became too much like any young persons funeral as Lil JoJos mother crumpled in grief. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. They tend to take root in the very same neighborhoods that drive these other problems, said Robert J. Sampson, a professor at Harvard and the author of Great American City: Chicago and the Enduring Neighborhood Effect. You cant divorce the gang problem from the problem of deep concentrations of poverty.. One of his videos, I Dont Like, would eventually score more than 16 million hits on YouTube. Remember Trayvon was drinking skittles and Arizona Ice Tea brand Watermelon Juice, a popular recipe for mixing with the robotussin (aka robotripping) sold in mass quantities in every convenience store in the hood. Isnt it about time we start pointing out to the LOCAL people effecting these policies that when the predictable mayhem follows, WE WILL HOLD THEM PERSONALLY ACCOUNTABLE? Where do gangs come from? That is, prohibit all liberal wussboys with no skin in the game who make a living telling blacks they are uniquely victimized by a delusion called racism which justifies their pathology and renders them blameless. My childs preference to complete Grade 12 from Perfect E Learn was almost similar to other children. So idk if its already been discussed but when folks gone let this narrative go about shawty having 17 bodies. He decided on Interscope, reportedly signing a contract for $3 million plus a bio pic. Lots of discussion about how its just another way for the white overclass to undercut black masculinity or some version of that. The devil and gun emoji indicate that crossing Vernon could lead to any transgressing rival being shot. London e.g. Shoot outs with police are virtually unknown. As this pair of tweets from Gakirah shows, online expressions of trauma take what would have been a moment of private mourning and put it on cyber display. Of course it doesnt have the American problem of slavery and its aftermath or the self-interested indulgence of Latino immigration from the Americas. Chicago housing ended the program and the most of voucher holders will have to move next year, visit a ghetto urban inner city high school in Chicago and it is a diverse mix of White Wiggers, Blacks, Mestizos, and lower working class Gran Torino type Asians. when compared to possibly bring another generation of violent gang banger into this world. Patton was curious to see what more could be learned from Barness Twitter feed. A lot of you being turned out by music and dont even know it. It would have to be somewhat large to be a big enough carrot, but if it drove down the out of wedlock birth rate it would be cheaper than what we have now. However, it may not just be illegal drugs that are an issue. A pattern emerged in Gakirahs tweets. Dejean Jones is a proud graduate of LAUSDs Taft High School, alma mater of Ice Cube and the NBAs Jordan Farmar (Jewish). Either kill all the gang members wiping them out via the death penalty or cede territory. Obviously there is a risk with Hilary being elected and the Senate flipping that Congress could try to change Section 8 program so that landlords cannot decline to take a voucher or dramatically increase Section 8 appropriations. A much better plan: prohibit Leonard Pitts. Whites are generally (of course not 100%) capable of carrying and handling weapons lawfully, while blacks are generally not. President Obama loves to name drop Lil Wayne and express his paternal feelings for Saint Trayvon. Liberals are always crying about firearms loopholes but here is a massive loophole that they studiously ignore. She died in the hospital. Last year it was a black lady teacher who was killed by a stray bullet while she was at her second job at a realtors office. A scan of news reports from the time suggests that Gakirahs friend may have died in a fatal confrontation with police, but its not law enforcement from whom she plans to exact retribution. With the help of Chicago teenagers and social workers, he translated the lingo, and in February, published an analysis of her tweets. Don't remember where I heard it frm but i think around the Dunbar shooting, police called him to the station and basically told em we know what you're doing and we are watching you (don't hold me on this one, might be a misunderstanding). Far less than keeping an inmate in jail for just one month. Thus the approach towards urban crime that yielded such great results in NYC could not be allowed to legitimized or allowed to be replicated elsewhere. They plan on adjusting the subsidy higher for better neighborhoods instead of just a fixed amount. Unique in her status as a female shooter for her gang, Gakirah kept up a feed full of threats and taunts to opps, or members of oppositional groups. Since we have a political class that is determined not to do that, were going to have a lot of intra-black violence, and all the while well get periodic chin-stroking pieces in the WaPo, NYTimes, and so on pinning the problem on lack of opportunity, guns, or residential segregation. (And were talking about only the ability to have a gun in your home getting permission to carry it is an entirely different, and more difficult, matter). Infinitely more humane. None of Australias states have homicide rates even remotely approaching those in the US and that is a fortiori for gun related deaths including accident snd suicide. Also, rent didnt go up as much in Chicago as in the two larger cities, so the black population has only recently started to fall. He is also a faculty affiliate of the universitys Social Intervention Group and the Data Science Institute. and Peoria, Dubuque, Rock Island, Galesburg, etc. Surely there must be portable metal detectors which are reliable enough to give cause for frisking after a casual approach along the sidewalk gives the signal. Too many black men in jail already. The stereotype is true that a high percentage of White people like animals way more than they like Humans. But would it not be better as a first step to at least campaign against the idiocy that is the gangsta rap promotion of Robotripping, the abuse of DXM + high graded pot as the poor mans PCP? Those programs, developed before social media became part of daily life, dont have the capacity to keep up with thousands of users hurling endless insults at each other. . thrives and according to a close female relation there with two teenage daughters it is great because of its diversity. White murders tend to be domestic violence, and the clearance rate for those is very high. Garry McCarthy but Boudreau said that hasnt happened yet under police Supt. The pain is unbearable, she tweeted in 2014, after Chicago police allegedly shot and killed her best friend. Those types are more interested in making it rain in a club than some swanky salon with the glitterati. OHare Airport has 2-10 murders per year?? New Smurk , shit sound hard imo , yall rocking wit it? Guns were perfectly legal and widespread in the UK as the right to bear arms was part of English Common Law. Have any mayors or governors banned state/city employees from traveling to Illinois yet? Elizabeth Vargas is currently host of the revived Americas Most Wanted series. There are multiple streaming options if you are looking to watch the Gakirah Barnes documentary. Hulu subscribers in the US can catch Secret Life Of A Gang Girl on their platform. If that was how Kilgore fought the war, it made me wonder what they had against Kurtz.. (although im personally not in favor of any kind of chemical solution). Gakirah Barness brother posted this 2 days before her death anniversary Throwback Pic 5 comments 100% Upvoted Log in or sign up to leave a comment Log In Sign Up Sort by: best Personally I think the city of Chicago is intellectually bankrupt and incapable of developing new, creative ways to retard and contain the Mondays. I guess, just as the T-shirt slogan says: Its a black thing; I wouldnt understand.. I found it on wikipedia: You have a population that cannot live in civilization. Many of Chicagos gangs have fractured, leading to more violence, said Arthur Lurigio, a criminology professor at Loyola University Chicago. Cheap!!! It just didnt work out that way. When I had my retail business (not too many miles from the ghetto), older black folks were among the nicest and most respectful of all of my customers. One such opp replied to Gakirahs tweet, baiting her to enter his terrority so that then he would have a reason to retaliate against her crew. First, I dont think the crack wars of the early 1990s were ever that bad in Chicago, so they didnt purge Chicago to the same extent of its most violent thugs, as tended to happen in NYC and LA. Thanks, I went and listened to Wendy/Walter Carloss electronic rendition of the Funeral for Queen Mary with my glass of milk.

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