I am so grateful for this thread. I went to BSF In my early 20s and a lot of my complaints are echoed by the previous comments. Required fields are marked *. Mostly the legalism, being spoken to like I am a child by the leaders, and hurtful comments directed at my children and me by fellow participants. I actually had one person say, and everyone else in the class agreed, that he was.so glad that the Bible was so easy to understand and this was a study Of Revelations. I am disappointedfor years Ive wanted to attend. And I do believe in outreach with the Gospel into society, but the church fellowship must be pure and all Biblical teachings. Also share our resources: White Paper: Purpose Driven [] BRYCE HOMES FOR WIDOWS & CHILDREN INTERNATIONAL, What Christian Leaders and Pastors Need to Know The Final Outcome of Practicing Contemplative Prayer, The Story of Mask-e-pe-toon A Powerful Cree Chief Who Found the Truth Through Forgiveness, Federal Judge Finds West Virginia Law Barring Transgenders From Girls Sports Constitutional, Exiled Moscow Chief Rabbi: Jews Should Leave Russia Before They Are Scapegoated, Lighthouse Trails 2022 Year in ReviewFinal PartTop 10 Articles, Lighthouse Trails 2022 Year in Review Part 2 Top 10 Letters and Comments From Readers, Lighthouse Trails 2022 Year in Review Part 1 Top 10 Articles on THE CHOSEN Series, Clock Running Out as Father Fears Medical Castration of 10-Year-Old Son in California. Does BSF teach in languages other than English? I just started attending the BSF and hope to experience more of God with no pressure to study but a hunger for more. Unfortunately, when you leave the orbit of one cult or similiar you tend to find yourself caught up in a similiar, and I went directly into the Know Your Bible Womens group which I have only just found out, was also founded by Amy Wetherell-Johnson along with another woman but this fact is not widely known. You answer your questions. I had to stop reading and at the end of the year, she gave each class member a Jesus Calling leatherette edition of the book. maranatha, come Lord Jesus. Dont you know that you are violating Scripture yourself by tearing down the Body in front of the world and giving free ammunition to Satan? I have never attended BSF but have been doing Precept (Kay Arthur) for over 12 years. I also was sacrificing my own personal relationships and friendships and time at church to meet the demands of leadership on top of my full-time job. So so sorry. I am glad I am going but last week I just wouldnt even answer when called onit was too tough looking like I was the crazy one. And isnt that what its all about? However, after reading this letter by the former BSF leader exposing the subtle shifting away from Jesus Christ, I am making the decision to leave this new and improved BSF. He has grown me up and has confirmed His calling on my life. I went to the other big bible study in town that is a tad bit less strict. 7 Day Warranty . Such were some of you; but you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and in the Spirit of our God. And Paul wrote the Corinthian epistles or letters because evil was reported to him by godly believers who caredthings reported commonly among you. (1 Corinthians chapter 5:1) Evil is to be reported, judged and removed. Jesus tells us that if we love him we will keep his Word, and promises to live. You hear a lecture from the teaching leader, which at my class is very good. Excellent I have been wary of this group for a long time. They walk in newness of life. My mom has been nagging me for years now to get back into BSF. However, in the years that werent as great in the discussion group, I still really loved doing the studies and listening to the lectures. Its my first day today, thanks for the headsup! It is one of a kind. I was then one of the Group leaders. I have been a teaching leader in BSF for 7 years and in class for 22 years. Marxism? I also wanted to learn about the Bible and develop friendships where I used to attend. Um. No one is saying what their pastor said last week or worse, what Oprah or Dr. Phil said last week. Here are the 2 changes I DO love and believe should have always been there: moms can now bring infants right into the discussion group and lecture or put them in a nursery and from birth to school age children now have classes in day BSF classes. Is there a way that they can try it out first? Hi Lee, Just the right answers and mine are definitely not. Sees said the new lesson is titled People of the Promise Land Part 1, and it is an adapted lesson that took three years to create from one of the original 10 lessons. At the same time my life has been changed dramatically, first by my own study of Revelation. Grade pay is the amount a BSF employee receives in addition to the basic pay. Can you provide the chapter and subheading and perhaps the beginning of the paragraph to which you are referring (on your page 244)? Im an old coot, stuck in the mud screaming tradition according to them. My wifes family says its not like that, so I will try to feed my hunger and learn more about taking Gods word into the world. Thank you for going back to the source to see the whole picture and not a piece. Please consider sharing this link with women who are not on social media. I wish there was a larger emphasis on inductive bible study!! reinforcing the teaching of the passage. I am like are yall crazy? What Christian Leaders and Pastors Need to Know The Final Outcome of Practicing Contemplative Prayer I finally decided to do it since my preschooler needs to hear about Jesus from somebody more than just me, and hes not getting that at church. When I was approached about being in leadership I thought the Lord was just having fun with me. Each Childrens leader goes through Criminal Background Screening and Reference checks before being considered as a Childrens Leader. How exciting that you want to pursue a class in your area! I was hoping today I could share my love for JESUS CHRIST and witnesss FOR Jesus. No one can tell you who you can and cannot like. So sad. While wondering last year how they would teach toddlers and preschoolers Revelation, God called ME into CHILDRENS LEADERSHIP. The departure from truth has become most evident starting with the training of leadership last year, and now with this very overt, in writing proclamation of BSFs new direction to all registered members. [1] You might also see it stylized as IBSF, which means "internet best friend," or someone you met over the internet through something like online gaming, a forum, or any other social media who became your friend. Chino girlI am laughing out loud and reading to my class. People of the Promised Land apparently will not be about God, but the great men (leaders) of the Bible. Listed in order of when they were [Read more] she may have been a baby group leader that needed more training on responding properly! BSF, with Susie Rowan at the helm, has been patient in pushing this anti-biblical agenda, but the water is now boiling. I read through the notes and it is in Lesson 14 Jesus the Good Shepherd in the Apply It section. Oh my. For example you list 6 specific programming languages, and then address "Wrote computer code in a variety of languages". We read and study familiar passages and books, but we also trust God to unite and inspire us as we navigate the . Federal Judge Finds West Virginia Law Barring Transgenders From Girls Sports Constitutional The same thing happened to me! Yes, Christians should expose error, if we are talking about not saying what the Word says. At present, it is the world's largest border guarding force. Just like kindergarten. (not a small groupa discussion groupIll come back to that.) I was a discussion leader for several years. Dear Jo, I am grateful you have been saved. I have gone to a Bible study every week since I moved back to Arkansas called Bible Study Fellowship (BSF), and I really love it. This chapter teaches us that the Body has many parts, and we desperately need one another. Vse, kar je narobe s tabo is a Slovenian Fiction Film. Ive been with BSF for 14 years and a leader for 8. My Journey Out of Catholicism What is the screening process for all people that come in contact with the children? She also has said it is satan just causing division. And the influence of these main leaders has inevitably entered the curriculum and other facets of the organization. PPP Forgiveness. did you quit last march? Wow this is really a judgmental attitude and I have been a Christian for a long long time. I recently stepped out of leadership. Pray for our country. Problem with TTP229-BSF using Arduino Uno. Im doing week 3 of the acts study right now and I cant believe how empty the questions are. LTRP Note: With the majority of Christian colleges and seminaries now bringing in contemplative spirituality via Spiritual Formation programs, and with Christian leaders such as Rick Warren and Beth Moore endorsing the movement, and with countless pastors giving it a thumbs up to their congregations, isnt it time professors, pastors, and leaders understand what the [Read more] The leaders personality and the dynamics of the group can make or break the experience. I stopped BSF last year when in my spirit I knew something was wrong with content and just overall w/BSF procedures. . GOD BLESS EVERYONE. As for my friend, I can no longer continue having much fellowship with her because of this. The weight of being an outcast, of being unwanted weighed down my tired and sore body. This is dangerous territory, spiritually. We embrace the wonder and challenges of studying God's Word together. Second, BSF makes the condition of salvation faith plus "accompanying actions.". As some of you know, I'm working on myself, trying to grow and fix some of "me", smooth out the rough edges and I have chosen to do this through God's word, prayer, and books. She wants a romance like in the movies. Many old people in our class are uneasy with the changes including doing away with formal dress code, shorter times of meeting, conversational discussion of study etc. Thankfully, we are not directed where to sit by our ushers and our leaders may be a tad less regimented than yours. You might want to read Harry Ironsides article, Should Christians Expose Error? Here is the link to it: https://www.lighthousetrailsresearch.com/blog/?p=27928. We only discuss the questions and stay on the topic. anthony patterson wichita falls, texas; new costco locations 2022 sacramento; rembrandt portrait of a young man; does flosports have a monthly subscription; Dear friends, I cannot imagine that your Teaching Leader would not want to hear your concerns and know the way you feel. The biblical gospel is a stumbling block and an offense to the lost. I am so grateful to the BSF leader who wrote the letter. After many years of hearing my wifes family (only the women, NONE of the men do BSF) talk about this program and the great studies, Im breaking down and diving in to one of them close (well, 25 minutes the closest) to my home. Because bsf is not fluffy. I attended BSF in the 80s & had a problem w/ them allowing false teaching from attenders w/out correcting them. thank you for this post!!!! Carol if you get a chance to read the article we posted today by the woman who came out of Calvinism, she discusses her time in BSF and what she discovered about the organizations leadership. She was a formidable leader. And no one had a problem with that statement..we must vow to be faithful to our spouses, forsaking all others but to Christ the Bridegroom, the bride does not have to be faithful to Him! This teaching does not come from the Holy Spirit. . With a heavy heart, I will not be a part of BSF this fall, as I direct my time and energy to focus on promoting truth instead of fighting against lies. We study that we may intimately abide in our relationship with Jesus. The class was about the Holy Word of God and anyone who behaved like a spoiled crybaby didnt come back. I have attended BSF for over 20 yearsand this year will be my last. Business Loans & Lines of Credit. I absolute agree with your comments. RESOURCES Its very very straightforwardjust you and the Bible. Thank you. I know she isn't well written character. Bible Study Fellowship (BSF International) is an in-depth, structured, interdenominational Bible study program. Just prior to leaving BSF, I read deeply troubling works published on the BSF website which were encouraged and written by the then CEO Susie Rowan set off alarm bells and were very disturbing references to ecumenicalism. This is my 9th year of BSF on the same location, and I guess the leaders in my area are well trained because over that time period, theres been an ongoing consistency in the way discussion groups are led. Oh, and I wont even tell you the lecture I got from their headquarters in Texas when I called to see if I could have help getting the CA to responsd to me. Your post breaks my heart Jane. I was not expecting to go to the welcome session and then be told to not come back unless I was called. , Im a long time BSF-er and currently a group leader. BSF draws a large crowd at our church. Its that simple. Today (9/13/18) I attended my first BSF class after a gap of 8-10 years. THANK YOU BSF LADIES WHO HAVE BEEN AND INSPIRATION TO ME. I was invited again this year to attend when your article came up on my facebook newsfeed about BSF leaders plunging into the Emergent Waters. Thank you for your courage to speak out. The post Lighthouse Trails 2022 Year in Review Part 2 Top 10 Letters and Comments From Readers appeared first on Lighthouse Trails Research Project. I have to say that after years of BSF, definitely some years are just better than others! If you stay in BSF (a lot of people drop out), you just do it. It replaces content with process and instruction with discussion or dialogue. Hello the earth is round) and make some pretty serious leaps in interpretation. My husband said (just last night about another Bible passage) that one of the dangers that Christians in every age face is our tendency to want to domesticate the Gospel. The BSF has had a relatively good record of local police cooperation thus far; the home ministry's recent decision runs the risk of pitting the two against each other. Really close friend that is a boy. But now I am writing to you not to associate with anyone who bears the name of brother if he is guilty of sexual immorality or greed, or is an idolater, reviler, drunkard, or swindlernot even to eat with such a one.. I will definitely take simon when he turns 2. Regarding BSF, I chose not to attend when I learned you cannot expose the lies of false religions, such as idolatrous Catholicism, Mormonism, etc. "I love him so much it hurts." "I don't think I love him enough." "I think he's cheating on me." "He hasn't talked to me in two days." "He got . ByDarlene McCormick SanchezThe Epoch Times Time is running out for a Dallas father who asked theTexasSupreme Court to order his ex-wife to return his 10-year-old son to Texas fromCalifornia, where he fears she will medically transition his son to a girl. James Montgomery Boice wrote the Romans study who was a Calvinist; that should be enough to stay away from BSF; if you do the research, Miss Johnson who started the study, in her own words, said it was an Ecumenical Gathering, that in itself is a huge problem. The gospel is once saved always saved, eternal security is the gospel, now thats good news. Corinne, I am so sorry that anyone would ever have to leave a Bible Study feeling humiliated. We have a totally different experience of it and dont have anything that comes close to it. They were not interested in Gods truthwhatever BSF said was the gospel. Teaching Calvin doc. It was almost like we bonded in spite of her. They are all from way different walks of life than me, which is another great thing about BSF. Dear Linda, True Christians are not allowed to associate with the false teachers. *Steve Graves (co-author)Check out his website. BSF does not have copyright rights like churches do. Neither Jesus nor the Apostles ever marketed the gospel. I dont think Rick Warren ever written any BSF material. thank you. It was emailed to BSF class members and leadership this month to lay the foundation for their new study, a revision of the former study called History of Israel and the Minor Prophets. The new study is People of the Promised Land (Part 1), a name exposing BSFs departure from a focus on Scriptures purpose of revealing God and His glory to instead follow the wide path of man-centric teachings. I have found the discerning people willing to put in the time on bible study, choose Precept. The BSF file extension indicates to your device which app can open the file. It seems BSF questions gloss over the icky hard stuff ( like the four corners of the earth? You may read the entire edition by clicking [Read more] His primary vocation is executive coaching. Then on Thursday, received an email that they were over capacity for what the fellowship hall could hold and that I was unable to attend until and unless I was assigned to a group. God has been so faithful. But other behaviors, like putting your used napkin on the table in the middle of a . I attended BSF in Australia for 5 years in the 80s and have always been so grateful for the privilege of sound biblical teaching, and during which time, the Lord gave me a love for His Word, which grows more and more the older I get. The evening childrens program isnt much different from what the adults do. My co-leader and I are having so much fun with our toddlers, watching them grow and develop and trusting we are planting seeds deep, deep in their hearts which will be nurtured over the years and yield fruit. Church discipline is commanded by holy God. I thought I had made a wrong decision, just to find out later that it was indeed a good decision. I had moved from the NE to the south & found out pretty quickly never to divulge my upbringing lest I be looked down upon. Now I teach a class Bible for Dummies which attracts people who were just like me before I started studying the word. iStock. I am heartbroken. Complete your BSF study daily questions on your device. Though community celebrates togetherness, individuality is the emphasis (like the secular philosophy of multiculturalism). I Met My Best Friend Im So Glad That I Met You Nat (Stinky Butt). While we posted nearly two dozen articles, letters, or videos about The Chosen [Read more] Also satellite groups pops up anywhere and everywhere people have heart to start one. If it does not bring glory to Jesus and spread the Gospel, it will be plainly manifest and not succeed. By Egerton Ryerson Young(Missionary to the Cree people in Manitoba in the late 1800s) The following incident occurred years ago on the great plains of the Canadian Northwest, long before the waves of Anglo-Saxon civilization began to surge over those glorious fertile prairies which for so many generations were hid from the gaze of the [Read more] When I saw that Rick Warren had a part in writing materials for BSF, I immediately knew I couldnt join. Even though at times it feels as though I live to break rules, my time there has been so beneficial. For that matter it never refers to it as family. God through the Holy Spirit made me boldly speak against those lies and declared His truth. The post Social Medias Antisemitic Underbelly appeared first on Lighthouse Trails Research Project. Hi Barb! Thank you for your discernment, Teresa, regarding the Bible Project which is full of heresy, the doctrines of demons. Oh sister. Maybe you could gently mention how youre feeling to your leader?? I could not use BSF notes of course but accessed others and used some of the principles I learned from BSF . The BSF app is a free tool that makes it easy to complete BSF lessons on your phone or tablet. Candidate must select the exam centre carefully, and once the application fee is paid, the process is complete. His focus is mans personal fulfillment, not Gods glory. My discussion leader is awesome too. I have seen several people in BSF drawn away from commitment to the local church because they prefer BSF. Ive been seeing a lot of racism and politics in my group, in some of the questions, notes, and a few members answers. No names of course just examples of how things can go wrong or how our actions can be hurtful even if we dont see it. Diagnosing and troubleshooting incubation problems and hatch failures Eggs failing to hatch can be a disappointing and sometimes costly experience and finding the cause of the problem can and will help prevent future losses. 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