We will need to draw him into hand or graveyard with a [[demonic tutor]], [[entomb]], [[buried alive]] ect. Other people can view your private deck by using this url, Seems there are no cards in the Acquireboard. available. Displaying decks 1 - 50 of 569 in total Date Deck Author Event Place MTGO Price Tabletop Price; 2023-01-15: Mairsil: tylerblake478 - -31 tix: . If they kill the creature you put into play then Mairsil is never coming back. With untap effects and a few more abilities to put charge counters on Mairsil (Otherworld Atlas, Lux Cannon, and so forth), we can keep our extra turns going until we dig into a card that actually kills our opponents (infinite snake tokens from Orochi Hatchery, for example). A lot of players (at least on Reddit lol) would say that that makes this deck unplayable but I just view it as a challenge to overcome. Repeat the process for infinite mana.. Combo Mairsil, the Pretender +Workhorse +Blood Vassal +Endling + Magic: the Gathering MTG Rhystic Study: I finally gave in and added it to this deck as well. Pick whichever ones sound like the most fun to you! Your second goal is to determine what types of interaction you're going to need to survive this game. Commander Spellbook. Some mana and a caged Scepter ensures one charge counter per turn. Joseph Schultz works in a library by day and shuffles libraries by night. He'll never be a creature but that's not why I've included him in my deck. Also of note, my playgroup is friendly but very tuned. The first is in the usual style, cards arranged by type. As a commander, Mairsil specializes in combo play, generally lending himself well to a toolbox of denial that quickly weaves . DMCA requests | Feels bad, man. well, they should have been paying more attention. Mairsil also needs as much mana open as possible each turn so sinking 4-6 mana into a Planeswalker isn't worth it in my experience. Since he did such a great job, I figured I'd let him explain how Quicksilver interacts with Mairsil: "This is a weird card, and it works with the commander in a very particular way. Text View. Top Combos. Try 'em out and see what works for you! Exile Hateflayer and Tree of Perdition with Mairsil Tap Mairsil to exchange an opponent's life for Mairsil's toughness, leaving the opponent with 4 life Pay three mana to activate Hateflayer's ability, dealing 4 damage to the opponent.. Combo Hateflayer +Mairsil, the Pretender +Tree of Perdition + Magic: the Gathering MTG The ability to target a creature in any graveyard at instant speed is powerful, even if the triple black requirement is a bit rough with a budget land base. Marisil, the Pretender has all activated abilities of all cards you own in exile with cage counters on them. And until next we meet, enjoy your time browsing the Low Market. Outside of protection like hexproof or shroud, the best way to get around this is to be able to use him the turn he comes down, which is where haste comes in to play. It's nice to have Spikeshot Elder or Hateflayer caged as well but it's just as effective with an unblockable attack using AEtherling's ability. 1x Wipe Away. Getting two treasures in addition to two cards is a pretty sweet deal. That dude's ability doesn't care about summoning sickness so you can bounce a permanent each turn even if you had to blink Mairsil the turn before. As such, I am thinking of brewing up a deck for him that embraces my favorite meta-achetype, that of Combo-Control. Thassa, Deep-Dwelling: An indestructible Conjurer's Closet that costs less. Mairsil, the Pretender on the battlefield. Flood of Tears: Devestation Tide with a twist, basically. The first step off this combo is when reanimate Mairsil, to cage [[Hell's Caretaker]]. Because of this, your early game is going to look the same pretty much every game. Typical gameplay involves caging AEtherling and then blinking Mairsil throughout each turn cycle to cage up as many abilities as you can. These cards are some of our most important as most activated abilities require tapping as part of the cost. Mairsil only gets to put cage counters on cards when he enters the battlefield, and on his own, he's only going to enter the battlefield when being recast. Cavern Harpy = pay 1 life bounce Mairsil to hand? I used to run Talisman of Indulgence until I got an Arcane Signet. If you cage them early but can't use them all you've accomplished is painting a target on yourself. Welcome back to another edition of Ultra Budget Brews, the article series that builds entire EDH decks containing no card that costs more than $1. Mairsil, the Pretender: Commander 2017 General This card has restrictions in the following formats: Format: Legality: Legacy Legal Vintage Legal Commander Legal x For more information regarding each format and play style modifications, visit the Banned / Restricted Lists for DCI . Darksteel Ingot: An indestructible mana rock to survive multiple Nevinyrral's Disk and Boompile activations. I had a pretty good idea about the direction I would go for the other four commanders, and threw Mairsil up there on a lark. This made this deck more challenging to build; just tapping Mairsil once a turn isn't likely to be enough to gain us the advantage that we need to be competitive. Entrego em mos na zona do Porto, A mala encontra-se em excelente estado.em frente Cmara Municipal ou em frente ou em frente Casa . The buttons above will open in a new window. So when you tap Mairsil to activate the Tree's ability, it will actually turn your opponent's life total to whatever Mairsil's toughness is, which is typically 4. If you're playing 1v1 and it looks like commander damage might win you the game, use the "-lings" +1/-1 abilities to pump up Mairsil (only once per turn, per -ling) and then make him unblockable with this guy to get you to 21 faster. Please return to this window after you have logged in. I have not finalized the deck list yet, so I am just going to list some general combos and architecture here. Copied to clipboard. This site 2023 TappedOut.net, LLC There are a ton of tutors in this deck so once you find AEtherling you have plenty of ways to get win cons and interaction into your hand or graveyard. Here's where things get dicey. Presenting: Mairsil's Charge Counters Combo! Mairsil is the kind of commander that draws a lot of attention, simply because it is a known combo commander and people tend to hate on combo, perhaps disproportionately. Copied to clipboard. It's only that expensive because it's on the Reserved List. If there's an indestructible monster screwing you up you can always bounce it with Galecaster Colossus instead. Also a decent way to untap. Sort of. Prismatic Geoscope (and/or Gilded Lotus or Coveted Jewel) are usually caged up rather than cast, but you obviously can cast them as well. Sure, its frustrating and disappointing as hell when you get locked out of a game or don't manage to accomplish much before it ends but that can happen with literally any commander. Activate the [card](Mirror-Mad Phantasm)'s ability and put all your library in the graveyard, since you will not find a card with the same name. Go ahead and cast them to get some use out of them before you inevitably blow them up with Nevinyrral's Disk, then cage them up for repeated use later on or to get an infinite combo rolling. Activated abilities contain a colon. Essence Flux: I realized that most of my countermagic was being used to protect Mairsil from targeted removal. As such, if you simply play Mairsil and hope to make to around the table, you are likely in for a bad time. Combo 1: Chimeric Spikeshot. Combo:2. Gotta draw cards to win games. Anthroplasm/Sage of Hours: Probably the simplest and most powerful combo this commander can pull off. Contact | As it's hard to get a quick combo win with this deck as it takes a bit of setting up. Gotta get the tools out of the toolbox somehow. Shocks and Fetches: Run 'em if you've got 'em. As long as you can blink or send Mairsil back to your hand before the end step, you can get him back on the field for cheap (and without using any of your blue sources!) I wasn't aware that Khalil Mack was the Bull's mascot in his down time. I would put it back in the deck if I started running infinite mana combos again. Ethereal Usher and Netherborn Phalanx: Their transmute abilities allow them to fetch AEtherling and they were amazing budget tutors for me early on. Our Mairsil list contains a single Vehicle: Mobile Garrison. Pure combo version is just like other combo deck, you can assemble pieces very quickly and win early, but if you fail it's hard to come back, riskier in multiplayer game. No spikes or cEDH decks (no disrespect there, it's just not our jam) but also no meme or theme decks. Mairsil the Pretty Boy. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. The first step is to mill your entire deck. 1st combo: Mirror-Mad PhantasmCage Mirror-Mad Phantasm 1U - flip deck into grave yard. Feeds | Is it the sort of deck that you'd enjoy piloting, or is it too finicky for your taste? So unless you have the mana to tutor and play whatever it is you grabbed, tutoring and then doing nothing tends to make people nervous and they start to really direct their attention towards you. Wanderwine Prophets - Season 1 - pennydreadfulmagic.com Wanderwine Prophets - Fixed wrong subtype of Champion ability. (1), I haven't looked much into this route yet, since it seemed weaker than the Mirror-Mad Phantasm route. Now you have to weigh setting up your win against preventing the table from killing you or locking you out. It was made of watersilver and hung . Combos Used In Mairsil, the Pretender (254 Combos) Submit your own combos and corrections to Commander Spellbook. Just blink Mairsil in response to any board wipe and you're good, including your own. I can't tell you how many times I've needed him to remove a Glacial Chasm or Cabal Coffers or some other land giving outrageous value to an opponent. Wizards, reprint the untap symbol, please. For your consideration, the first combo: Chimeric Mass and our Spikeshot friends, Spikeshot Elder and Spikeshot Goblin. This deck uses counter magic mostly as protection for the commander but also for occasionally interrupting someone else's game plan. Etc" BUT, you still search your library for "a card named Mirror-Mad Phantasm" because that part of the ability is not referencing the caged Mirror-Mad specifically. Sometimes he's great and I get to draw a bunch of cards in a turn cycle. Eater of the Dead: Too situational. I like to cage up my most important abilities to keep them safe and make them harder to interact with. Date added: 1 hour: Last updated: 1 hour: Legality: This deck is Commander / EDH legal. You'll have unlimited activations of her ability as well as any others you have caged due to going infinite with mana. Mairsil already exiles cards with his etb, and mimic vat can copy cards exiled by it ( <- assuming you mean Mairsil). Have [[Thousand-Year Elixir]] on the battlefield, and [[Deadeye Navigator]] soulbound to Mairsil. use Dread Return for Laboratory Maniac. Again, discarding usually isn't a problem for this deck and two cards and two Treasures is a sweet deal. In other words, any counter on any creature can be moved onto any other creature at will. TappedOut.js Blog Widget. This can save you quite a bit of mana if your commander has been eating a lot of removal during a game. You can now import it in the MTG Arena client. Enough charge counters on Mairsil, and we can be chunking an opponent for ten or more damage per turn. Most of the best possible turns with Mairsil somehow involve Gilded Lotus and because of its recent reprinting, it should be easy to find and acquire through trades. Help | You can't do much with a full grip of cards but no engine so mana and a tutor are more important that anything else. At this point each 5 life you pay gets you an extra turn, or you can just wait until next turn and pay with regular mana, which ever seems safer in the situation. Mirror-Mad Phantasm/Thassa's Oracle: This combo requires Mirror-Mad Phantasm to be caged and Thassa's Oracle in hand to be cast (hopefully with a counterspell or two in hand as well to protect this combo, otherwise you'll lose the game the next time you have to draw a card). Knacksaw Clique: A pretty standard Mairsil combo piece, as discussed above. 1x Essence Flux. Arcane Signet and Talisman of Dominance are pretty standard rocks for these colors. Considering the complexity of Mairsil's deck, I'm mixing up our Check Out by providing two lists. In practice, however, it was way too slow, caged or on its own. Contact | He's gonna be a strong target for hate after your group plays against him a few times. Mairsil combos attempt. Quicksilver Elemental: This card is the key to going infinite with Mairsil. Then EOT, Mairsil, the Pretender will come back into play. This site is unaffiliated. With an open field, or the evasion granted by Rogue's Passage, we could even go straight for the commander damage kill. In Magic lore, the Dominarian wizard Mairsil drove mad a powerful mage named Ith. Nevinyrral's Disk. [[Ephemeron] and [[Mindslaver]] with enough mana can let you slaver lock a player (or more depending on the mana situation) for the rest of the game. If Mairsil returns to the battlefield, it will see all of those exiled cards with cage counters on them. What if you could set it to 4? DMCA requests | Arcane Denial: Counter magic is important in any deck that runs blue. Since there won't be one, you mill your entire library. The deck sort of spun its wheels for a while, hoped everyone else ignored Mairsil, and then when it was the only one left, would hard cast a Skyship Stalker and pray that the last remaining opponent was firmly agnostic when it comes to believing in the heart of the cards, drawing nothing but worthless lands, while you attempt to get there with a flying 3/3. Terms of Use | Obviously, I'm exaggerating a bit, but this was tough, for reasons I will address in a minute. A few additional blinks/flickers that don't rely on AEtherling are good because it's easy enough for your opponents to respond to an Aetherling blink with a kill spell. You can now import it in the MTG Arena client. I run about six mana rocks that don't necessarily need caged right away. Being able to do it on the end step before your turn gives you some protection from, say, a well timed Bojuka Bog after you spent your last turn on a Buried Alive. This annoying message will go away once you do. (3), Use Death Cultist to sac Mairsil, the Pretender, which pings all opponents for 1, undying triggers, comes back with a +1/+1 counter, remove the +1/+1 counter with Crystalline Crawler, which gives you one mana of any colour, choose black. Blue mana is the most important so try to keep as much of it open as possible for AEtherling activations and counter magic. When building this deck, I found that a lot of the best win conditions for Mairsil were outside of our budget. Combo result Infinite ETB. All Mairsil, the Pretender Decks. Things like Gilded Lotus are nice, but because Mairsil is a creature and not an artifact he'll need haste in order to tap for mana so going infinite is trickier than just using Aetherling. Having Nevinyrral's Disk imprinted is usually enough to seal the game away from your opponents as it means you've always got access to a board wipe of all your opponents non-land, non-planeswalker permanents. If I don't plan on or can't activate them until my turn I usually don't cage them until the end of the turn before mine. The main goal of this deck is to combo off. The "reveal until you find a Mirror-Mad" has an "if" clause in front of it which only resolves if the card is shuffled in. Cavern Harpy: A solid backup plan to AEtherling's blink ability in case someone responds to the blink with a kill spell. Commander's Sphere: Just recently replaced Chromatic Lantern with the Sphere. , mainly in the following archetypes: Currently the card is not used in any archetype. You can now import it in the MTG Arena client. Azami, Lady of Scrolls: She's been in and out of the deck a million times. Activate Mairsil using Endling 's third ability by paying (B magic symbol) , giving Mairsil undying until end of turn; Activate Mairsil using Blood Pet 's ability by sacrificing it, adding (B magic symbol) ; Mairsil dies, triggering its undying ability, returning it from your graveyard to the battlefield with a +1/+1 counter on it; Activate Mairsil using Crystalline Crawler 's first . The rest are just basics and "duals" for grixis. Mairsil naturally protects himself by keeping all his combo safe in exile. So, I've been playing this Merfolk deck and am having a lot of fun with it. I am going to list a few others of interest below here. Thankfully, we have a bunch of ways to deal with anyone that's feeling froggy and wants to tango. This is a slow, stax deck. Attention! Help | Everyone runs interaction and ramp, have clear win cons, and are playing to win, but games usually take 7+ turns. This allows him to interact more directly with effects like Coretapper and Surge Node, which can only place charge counters on artifacts. There are a few perks t. Not only can you save Mairsil, you can hurt the guy who tried to hurt you. Mairsil, il Pretendente +Cavallo Meccanico +Vassallo di Sangue +Letalmorfa +, Quale comandante il migliore per il mio mazzo. They basically get one shot to counter him or it's unlikely he will leave the field involuntarily. This week, the challenge was very challenging, (This is how I felt after writing that last sentence. This grants Mairsil another instance of each activated ability on both of these cards, which of course havent been activated yet. Having built one concept for Mairsil, I'm still intrigued to see what other people create. Activate Mairsil using Endling 's third ability by paying (B magic symbol) , gaining Mairsil undying; Activate Mairsil using Phyrexian Altar 's ability by sacrificing Mairsil, adding (B magic symbol) Mairsil 's undying ability triggers, returning it to the battlefield; Activate Mairsil using Cinderhaze Wretch 's ability, putting -1/-1 on itself . Stops your opponents from doing it though. No, it can't. Rules: 607.1. He's got the mother of all Voltron weaknesses. Your opponents will likely start working together and directing their resources to shutting you down, which really only requires keeping him off the board. Help | Commander / EDH This combo is fairly safe, the easiest way to interrupt it is going to be while you are unearthing things to sac to dread return, or when you are activating anthroplasm ability to get counters. Step 3 is to combo off. Mairsil, the Pretender + Hateflayer + Tree of Perdition. As such, I am thinking of brewing up a deck for him that embraces my favorite meta-achetype, that of Combo-Control. Insidious Dreams: Honestly, it's a pretty bad tutor. This might mean moving charge counters from Coretapper or Chimeric Mass, or moving charge counters off Mairsil to rescue them before he dies. Purphoros, Bronze-Blooded: An indestructible haste-enabler. Infinite death triggers. the jury is still out on exactly how the interaction works. I run a lot of countermagic and protection to stop that from happening. https://cubecobra.com RSS for Node Sun, 15 Jan 2023 21:30:37 GMT Mostly just tutors. So, i've been brewing with [[Mairsil, the Pretender]] recently, as i find the card very interesting. The second divides cards by function, in the same manner I did when designing the deck. A TappedOut decklist can be found here. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. This led me to Mairsil's Gatherer page to check out the rulings associated with him: I assumed that this was how it worked, but I wanted to be sure, and thought it would be worth passing that information along. There are a number of control elements, lots of removal, and tons of protection for Mairsil, which you will need for all of the hate he's gonna draw after a game or two. Copied to clipboard. You have 1 U left in the mana pool and you can now loop again, as you can use all abilities again. Entomb: A great tutor, but for cageable cards only. As above, we likely need to dig into a game-winning combo following this one. Aug. 19, 2017, Changing illegal cards for non Dockside Extortionist: Super mana-intensive deck needs a super mana-producing source. Fact or fiction pretty much just says draw 5, since most of the time you won't care what goes in the graveyard. Infinite Mairsil ETBs. For example: Morphling's abilities specifically reference 'Morphling'. Attention! With as many artifacts as our deck contains, these search effects are useful even without being expressly built for (though I did add a few spicy options after I decided to include the Mages). Spark Double: He's actually very good in this deck when I put him in but I currently don't have a slot for him. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. The information presented on this site about Magic: The Gathering, both literal and graphical, is copyrighted by Wizards of the Coast. Depending on what else is on your side of the field you may get to slap something back down. The most important activated abilities are either colored mana or tap abilities. This does essentially the same thing but with the added benefit of triggering his ETB effect as well as evading the removal spell. UBR (Grixis). For this we will need to have milled an [[anger]] and have a mountain in play. Cage him early if you can. If there aren't any creatures in graveyards you can't activate it. Repeat the loop. Spend the next turn cycle or two caging your protection, interaction, and hopefully combo pieces as well. I tore through card databases trying to find a direction, and eventually, I found one. Drove mad a powerful mage named Ith n't any creatures in graveyards you n't. Open field, or moving charge counters on them, however, it 's on the battlefield, it unlikely! Spikeshot mairsil, the pretender combo up a deck for him that embraces my favorite meta-achetype, that of Combo-Control marisil the! Pretendente +Cavallo Meccanico +Vassallo di Sangue +Letalmorfa +, Quale comandante il migliore per il mio mazzo, a encontra-se. Expensive because it 's only that expensive because it 's hard to a. All Voltron weaknesses + Tree of Perdition go straight for the commander damage kill powerful mage Ith! Either colored mana or tap abilities n't looked much into this route yet, since seemed... 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mairsil, the pretender combo