In addition, an intense fire was started which eventually forced the abandoning of all secondary guns on the upper deck. Quincy's captain, Samuel N. Moore, gave the order to commence firing, but the gun crews were not ready. The galley just forward of the well deck was hit from both starboard and port sides (Hits Nos. According to reference (d), this was accomplished a few minutes after the torpedo hit in way of No. 26, USS Saratoga CV3 War Damage Report No. [4], Prior to the Marine assault on Guadalcanal on 7 August, Quincy destroyed several Japanese installations and an oil depot during her bombardment of Lunga Point. She steamed westward the afternoon of 24 August to support minesweepers clearing the channel to Port de Bouc in the Marseilles area. One result was the destruction of the forced draft blower to No. 1, 5 and 7 were put out of action, after three star shell salvos were fired to starboard, from a series of hits (Nos. 23), cutting off the cartridge case bases and causing them to burn like "Roman Candles". Another hit (No. special treatment steel) passed down into No. Would you like to have such a crew list on your website? These incidents are of interest as they bring up the question of ready-service allowances. To add your CA-71 photos: Click on your Last Name on the CA-71 Crew Roster: Click on any photo below to view larger image: THUMBNAIL: YEAR: DESCRIPTION-Page 1 / 0: NEXT: U.S.S . Kerosene from the tank spread over the well deck and contributed to the intensity of a fire that was already burning furiously. SAN FRANCISCO received two 14" projectile hits on the barbette of No. In ASTORIA action, it is interesting to note the effect of 8" A.P. 80. Shortly after the Japanese force had checked their fire and began their withdrawal, USS Quincy sank bow-first at this location at 0238hrs on August 9th, 1942, taking 370 of her crew with her to the bottom. Probably the 2-3 port list which developed during the action was due to flooding of an off-center tank or compartment from an unreported underwater hit. 70. 6) The I.C. Excess equipment, paint on bulkheads, records, and so forth in officers' spaces and in ship's offices provided fuel for a fire which gradually worked downward exploding ammunition in the 5" hoists. QUINCY (CA-71) Crew Roster U.S.S. 67. Following Operation Mainbrace which started 13 September, QUINCY arrived in Plymouth, England, on 26 September, but soon continued southbound arriving at Gibraltar 3 October. These hits started fires, wrecked bunks and lockers and filled the compartment with smoke. 59. 4 firerooms. 25), penetrated the kerosene tank under the starboard ladder leading from the well deck to the boat deck and passed through the main deck into the after mess hall, where it detonated. The President and his party returned to Quincy on 12 February, following the Yalta Conference with Soviet leader Josef Stalin and Churchill, and the next day received King Farouk of Egypt and Haile Selassie, Emperor of Ethiopia. She then returned to Belfast Lough, and began final preparations for the invasion of Europe. Quincy's wreck was discovered and explored by Robert Ballard and his crew in July and August 1992. 41, USS O'Brien DD415 War Damage Report No. 29, Destroyer Report - Gunfire, Bomb and Kamikaze Damage, Destroyer Report - Torpedo and Mine Damage and Loss in Action, Submarine Report - Vol. As a result of these hits the telephone circuits went dead. The stay at home was short and the ship was called to duty to serve in the 7th Fleet in support of United Nations Forces in Korea. After Japan's capitulation in August,Quincysupported occupation efforts. 40. This is borne out by a statement of a survivor. Undoubtedly, there were many other hits in these and other spaces which were not reported. The gunnery officer of ASTORIA recovered one of these projectiles but unfortunately lost it as he was abandoning ship. Class: Baltimore-class heavy cruiser Named for: Quincy Complement: 1142 Officers and Enlisted Displacement: 13600 tons Length: 673 feet 5 inches Beam: 70 feet 10 inches Flank Speed: 33 knots Final Disposition: Scrapped in 1974 83. At 02:10, incoming shells killed or wounded almost all of Quincy's bridge crew, including the captain. Before dawn on 14 May, the cruiser splashed a Japanese plane. This fireroom was then secured and later abandoned. Each Aug. 9, Navy veteran Dan Galvin honors 389 shipmates who lost their lives when Japanese warships sank the USS Quincy at Guadalcanal on Aug. 9, 1942, by reading their names from his front . The 5" director aft was struck, apparently by an 8" A.P. At least 36 hits were received in the spaces discussed above. 1 in warrant officers' country (Hit No. August 9, 1942 (50 years old) Diesels were started and they supplied power to turrets I and III. Quincy's stern is bent upwards aft of the number 3 turret, and heavily damaged by implosions. There was a minor flareback in No. ; launched on 9 March 1944; co-sponsored by Mrs. Angelina Bertera and Miss Norma McCurley; and commissioned on 9 September 1944 at Boston, Mass., Capt. This torpedo hit probably resulted in the flooding of all of the magazines on the second platform deck between frames 30 and 45 and the crew's spaces on the first platform between frames 30 and 40. 37. A fire was started on the fantail and was fought successfully until the fire main pressure failed. After fitting out at Boston for a Presidential cruise, QUINCY steamed for Hampton Roads, Va. 16 November. I was struck at least twice, first in the barbette (Hit No. The hazard, therefore, is one of a violent powder fire which may spread, which is difficult to extinguish and rather hazardous to attempt to approach too closely. The museum welcome visitors for tours on seasonal weekends. 18) were received in the chart house. [4], After overhaul at Norfolk until 4 May 1940, Quincy again visited Brazil, Uruguay and Argentina, returning to Norfolk on 22 September. [4], Quincy returned to the Boston Navy Yard on 5 October for refit preparatory to final acceptance trials which were held from 1518 March 1937. The fire was extinguished by throwing the flags overboard. For her actions on the date of her loss, USS Quincy received her first and final Battle Star for World War Two service. projectiles. The fragment consisted of about half of the base ring into which the base plug screws. The model is now at the Navy Museum, Washington Navy Yard. QUINCY continued to support carrier aircraft strikes against Okinawa, Tokuno Shima, Kikai Jima, Amami Gunto, and Asumi Gunto until the force returned to base 13 June. 2. It has been estimated that the average visibility was about 10,000 yards. Structural fragments from the No. Decommissioned in 1946, the ship was placed in reserve at Bremerton, Wash. After the outbreak of the Korean War, the QUINCY was recommissioned in January 1952. ASTORIA, plus two destroyers on the night of August 8-9, 1942 comprised Task Group 62.3. This space was flooded to the floor plates in a period of seven minutes. However, the coming of theKorean Warbrought a need for more active gun ships andQuincywas recommissioned in January 1952. [4], Quincy got underway for the South Pacific in July with other vessels assembling for the invasion of Guadalcanal. projectile inside a ship have few if any equals in setting fires within confined spaces. Nineteen of the twenty-one primary targets assigned the task force were successfully neutralized or destroyed thus enabling Army troops to occupy the city on 26 June. Ammunition within exploded with such violence that the Commanding Officer ASTORIA reported in reference (a) that "QUINCY had blown up". Her float plane artillery observer pilots were temporarily assigned to VOS-7 flying Spitfires from RNAS Lee-on-Solent (HMS Daedalus). 57. He was extremely proud to have served our country aboard the Quincy. From results of the Bureau of Ordnance tests described above, it appears rather that this "explosion" was a severe powder fire from the 5"/25 caliber ammunition charges which was so intense as to be of the nature of an explosion. A projectile (Hit No. Fires could not be controlled because of the initial lack of certain facilities, the destruction of some facilities initially available, and the fact that certain others were inoperable because of the lack of power. In addition to this, as a standby in the event of the loss of all steam, one 1,000-gallon-per-minute diesel driven fire pump forward of the machinery spaces is being installed in existing heavy cruisers. Search for a command's Crew List| The remaining two firerooms were ready for immediate lighting off to supply additional power if necessary. 33. This recommendation has been approved by the Bureau. At this time the stern and bow groups realized the existence of each other, and at daylight BAGLEY took off the wounded from the stern group. From there the heat of the fire eventually reached and exploded the unflooded 5" magazine. This matter has been given very close attention by this Bureau and the Bureau of Ordnance because of the menace inherent in the presence of ready-service ammunition in considerable quantity in exposed locations. About 0206 director II was hit and put out of action. At this time all turrets and secondary battery except turret III and gun No. Since the action was fought at such close range, numerous minor caliber or machine gun hits were also received. No. 2 mess hall were hit repeatedly, apparently the same hits mentioned in the preceding paragraph. 77. The war and the ship were a galvanizing moment in time for him. 4 firerooms and the other in way of the I.C. The magazine group of No. President Roosevelt and his party embarked in QUINCY 23 January 1945 at Newport News, Va. for passage to Malta, arriving 2 February. The USNSM is housed aboard the Quincy-built USS Salem; the world's only preserved Heavy Cruiser. 94. These pumps are being installed. 3 blower serving No. 24. Shortly thereafter the enemy searchlights were turned on this task group. These spaces were abandoned because of flooding. 3 and No. Robert Carter '42 survived the sinking, but disappeared at sea in 1965. At the same time, Rear Admiral James H. Thach, Jr., Commander Cruiser Division Six, shifted his flag from USS MACON (CA 132) to QUINCY and he and his new flagship steamed out of Norfolk bound for Europe. Eventually, the powder or the projectiles in the forward 5" magazine exploded, rupturing the hull. Damage to QUINCY and VINCENNES was so extensive that loss of the vessels was inevitable. Turrets I and II fared very little better as they were put out of action after firing only four salvos, two of which were to starboard. Originally classified a light cruiser when she was authorized, because of her thin armor, she was reclassified a heavy cruiser, because of her 8-inch guns. After shakedown cruise in the Gulf of Paria, between Trinidad and Venezuela, the new cruiser was assigned 27 March 1944 to Task Force 22 and trained in Casco Bay, Maine until she steamed to Belfast, Northern Ireland with TG 27.10, arriving 14 May and reporting to Commander, 12th Fleet for duty. [4], Quincy sailed for San Diego on 5 June via the Panama Canal and arrived on 19 June. 47. About 0209 turret II was struck on the face plate by an 8" shell which penetrated without exploding and set exposed powder on fire. projectile. The narrative attempted here appears to be the most plausible and probable one even though all the referenced accounts do not agree with it in all respects. The crew was about to abandon ship when all at once the enemy extinguished searchlights and ceased firing. 3, although not hit, was unable to fire due to the fire and smoke from the forward superstructure, turret II and the well deck. 15 and No. Crew's quarters abaft No. About 0205, when beginning to make a left turn, steering control was lost in the pilot house. General Dwight D. Eisenhower, Supreme Commander, Allied Expeditionary Force, accompanied by Rear Admiral Alan G. Kirk, inspected the ships company in Belfast Lough 15 May 1944. 23. Renamed Quincy on 16 October 1942, to perpetuate that name, after the destruction of the second Quincy(CA-39) at the Battle of Savo Island on 9 August 1942. Course was changed to the left and speed increased; however, at no time was it greater than 19.5 knots. Main battery control forward was hit by a projectile which did not detonate. Turret No. All lighting and communications were destroyed. 44. 1 user currently logged in and 60 visitors active. She returned to Ulithi with units of the task force 30 April. She departed Portland 24 June for Cherbourg, France. 3 and No. In accordance with reference (e), a vertical loop fire main in the forward and after living spaces, separated by at least one deck is being installed in all heavy cruisers in commission. The cruisers of this task group, in a column led by VINCENNES, were patrolling the perimeter of a square five miles on a side in the area between Savo and Florida Islands. 4) early in the action which jammed the turret in train and later in the left range finder hood (Hit No. 14). 55, 56 and 57). After a call at Alexandria and a final meeting between President Roosevelt and Prime Minister Churchill, QUINCY steamed for Algiers, arriving 18 February. This resulted in the flooding of most of the second deck. 43. VINCENNES, U.S.S. Midship repair parties also suffered a large number of casualties due to 8" and 5" hits. I'm doing this for my father who's not so computer savvy but he's love to get in contact with his mates from the Quincy CA71. that No. About this time all steam power was lost due to blowers either being destroyed or drawing smoke and flames from the fires amidships into the firerooms. I really am not sure of date when daddy boarded the Quincy, not even the year. USS QUINCY (CA 39) History View This Vessels DANFS History Entry on the U.S. Navy Historical Center website. With the growth of hostilities in Europe, she was ordered to Task Force 2 (TF 2) and operated with Wasp in the mid-Atlantic, preserving US neutrality from 26 April to 6 June. Posted this on Nov2016, I am posting the letters from my father, Clark "Buss" Gerdes, to my mother during his tour of duty aboard the USS Quincy in 1952. 51. Both QUINCY and VINCENNES were so badly holed that they sank within one hour. At 0537, 6 June 1944, she engaged shore batteries from her station on the right flank of Utah Beach, Baie de la Seine. This general area, as on the other two ships, was hit early in the action. A shell hit (No. It was obvious that the ship was going to sink. Numerous hits were received in the vicinity above radio II. The boats and the 20mm clipping room were set on fire by Hit No. 22. These fires were never brought under control. She served alongside German heavy cruisers at Mlaga to evacuate their respective nationals out of Spain. This turret, like No. 5 exploded. 63. 33), and a fire was started in this space. [4], Quincy transited the Panama Canal on 13 January bound for Guantanamo Bay where she engaged in gunnery practice and amphibious exercises. If you contact a Shipmate through HullNumber, your email address is not displayed in the message to your Shipmate. 89. Following fitting out, QUINCY departed Bremerton for the short trip to Bangor, Wash., for ammunition onload in early May. After the action, the heat from the fires on the wardroom exploded ammunition in the hoists. 5) and two in the barbette (Hits Nos. 19, USS South Dakota BB57 War Damage Report No. The planes in the hangar were set on fire, the bridge hit, 1.1" clipping room in the foremast hit, battle II hit, and turret III was hit and jammed in train. It is not possible for any lightly protected vessel to absorb such punishment and survive. 1. Please keep in mind that this list does only include records of people who submitted their information for publication on this website. During June 1944,Quincyprovided gunfire support for the Normandy Invasion and bombarded German positions around Cherbourg, France. USS Quincy (CA 39) From USNA Virtual Memorial Hall. This space is to be fitted with a CO2 smothering system. USS Quincy sailed out of Belfast Lough, 20 May, for the Clyde and anchored off Greenock, Scotland, to begin special training in shore bombardment. The two agencies are in agreement that under certain conditions the impact of high velocity fragments is quite capable of igniting 5"/25 caliber charges stowed as in ready-service boxes. About 0900 WILSON came alongside and assisted in the fire fighting for one hour when both HOPKINS and WILSON were called away. Two hits (Nos. This action emphasizes again the absolute necessity of permanently removing inflammables and leaving ashore clothes, records, paint, and other materials that are not essential for the war-time operation of the ship. Two diesel generator units each of 100 kw capacity are being installed in all heavy cruisers, one of which is located forward and the other aft. does not share your information. Following fitting out and readiness training, she served in the screen of the Fast Carrier Task groups ranging off the coastline of Korea from 25 July 1953 to 1 December 1953. 17) on the machine gun platform passed through the 1.1" clipping room setting the ammunition located there on fire. An 8" projectile passed through the 25 lb. USS Quincy was detached from European duty on 1 September, and steamed for Boston, arriving one week later. 28. The surviving personnel realized that it was necessary to abandon ship as quickly as possible. This is unfortunate in that the highly inflammable airplanes were in the hangar and on the well deck. Quincy was decommissioned on 19 October 1946, in the Puget Sound Naval Shipyard, Bremerton, Washington. A hit (No. 27 and 26, respectively), one in the hangar and the other through the boats on the boat deck, set aircraft and boats on fire. 19) in the space immediately above. By 1210, as the salvage party abandoned ship, the port waterways of the main deck were awash. QUINCY was detached from European duty 1 September and steamed for Boston, arriving one week later. The sixth 8" salvo hit the face plate and barbette of turret I putting it out of action and killing the personnel within the turret and the barbette. 3 and No. About 0250 VINCENNES capsized to port and went down by the head in 500 fathoms of water. 10). projectiles were used by the enemy. room about frame 45. About 0300, when smoke was reaching down into the lower deck spaces, the small arms magazine and one group of forward 8" magazines were flooded. 24) Two attempts were made, the latter successful. 32, USS Lexington CV2 War Damage Report No. Two hits (Nos. After penetrating the shield it hit one of the 5" ready-service boxes for this gun. Quincy joined the Support Force, 23 August, and four days later, helped occupy Sagami Wan, Japan, and entered Tokyo Bay 1 September. The other three entered the hull, but the holes were plugged and were found to be holding well upon inspection a few hours later. Besides the damage suffered by gunfire, it appears as though one torpedo (possibly two) struck the port side of VINCENNES. The New Orleans-class cruisers were the last US cruisers built to the specifications and standards of the Washington Naval Treaty of 1922. VINCENNES, U.S.S. In a letter to Cincpac, the Bureau has designated an inflammable stowage which is well forward and below the waterline. USS QUINCY was authorized 17 June 1940; laid down by Bethlehem Steel Co., Shipbuilding Div., Quincy, Mass. USS Quincy (CA-39), Astoria (CA-34) and Vincennes (CA-44) War Damage Report No. In honor of the meeting between Saudi's King Abdul Aziz and Franklin D. Roosevelt aboard Quincy, the official residence of the American ambassador to Saudi Arabia is named Quincy House, and is located on the Diplomatic Quarter in Riyadh. 14. This rendered the ship incapable of fighting the fires except by a few CO2 extinguishers which were soon exhausted. Ammunition hoists to secondary battery were put out of operation by either direct hits or fragments. Copyright 2023 43 and 44) which did not detonate. This reduced the intensity of the fires, but not. Her own aircraft strafed targets in Omonawa on Tokune Shima 19 May. U.S.S. No. During the next fifteen minutes. 3 fireroom; however, the destruction of the blowers by Hits Nos. Hits were received from automatic A.A. weapons. She supported carriers in strikes in the Tokyo Plains area, Honshu, Hokkaido, and Shikoku. 1 fireroom is believed to have been hit by either a projectile or torpedo as there were no surviving personnel from this space. projectiles were apparently used, most of which passed through the ship doing very little structural damage.'s mission is to provide a means for shipmates to keep in touch with one another. USS Quincy. Later, the Commanding Officer ASTORIA estimated this enemy force to be composed of at least three (probably four) heavy cruisers of NACHI class and about four destroyers. Turret No. 52, 53 and 54) and fires were started in this compartment. He remembers so many names but a few that really stick out are Harold Hewitt, Paul Boyd. Each ship was steaming on four boilers in two firerooms. She returned to the U.S. shortly thereafter. USS Astoria (CA 34) Crew List The table below contains the names of sailors who served aboard the USS Astoria (CA 34). sufficiently to permit the bucket brigade to get the fires under control. medium steel angle which joined together the face plate and the side plate. 39. We ask that you enter only enough information about yourself that your shipmates can recall you. Would you like to have such a crew list on your website? This list was 10 by about 1130 when a heavy explosion took place on the port side in way of the forward 5" magazines. 45, USS New Orleans CA32 War Damage Report No. In addition to DesRon 23's Presidential Unit Citation, Spence earned 8 battle stars. General Dwight D. Eisenhower, Supreme Commander, Allied Expeditionary Force, accompanied by Rear Admiral Alan G. Kirk, inspected the ship's company in Belfast Lough 15 May 1944. 13) in the communication office. Baxter was participating in the 25th reunion of former crew members since the USS Salem Asslociaion formed in the late 1980s. 1 in the Marine compartment (Hit No. The term "heavy cruiser" was not defined until the London Naval Treaty in 1930. When the conference was completed, she was the site of meetings between the President, King Farouk of Egypt, Emperor Haile Selassie of Ethopia and King Ibn Saud of Saudi Arabia. 26 and 28, respectively) which were reported to have exploded the ready-service boxes starting intense fires. Casualties: U.S. Navy and Coast Guard Vessels, Sunk or Damaged Beyond Repair during World War II, 7 December 1941-1 October 1945. The flaming ships also presented perfect targets to the enemy submarine(s) operating in the near vicinity. About two 6-gun salvos had been fired to starboard by the forward two turrets when turret II was struck, probably by an 8" A.P. 344825 entries available online. projectile of impact nose type fuze. Since there were no survivors from the No. Decommissioned in 1946, the ship was placed in reserve at Bremerton, Wash. After the outbreak of the Korean War, the QUINCY was recommissioned in January 1952. Some of these are briefly discussed below. As told to me as a kid by my grandpa at night I was in normandy rode with President Roosevelt and family and 2 maids, and winston Churchill was a cook for them. The flames enveloped the forward control station. 34 and 37) exploded ammunition in ready-service lockers and set fire to the cane fenders stowed aft of the searchlight platform. Within a few minutes, Quincy was caught in a crossfire between Aoba, Furutaka, and Tenry, and was hit heavily and set afire. The bombardment of the batteries surrounding the city commenced in conjunction with the Army's assault at 1207. On questioning him I found out that the Captain, who at that time was laying [sic] near the wheel, had instructed him to beach the ship and he was trying to head for Savo Island, distant some four miles (6km) on the port quarter. 3 mount put No. In cases of damage as severe as that incurred by ASTORIA, however, it cannot be assured that controls for either flooding or sprinkling will remain operable. Besides the damage from the projectiles, two torpedo hits were received. After the transfer of the wounded, plans were made for salvaging the vessel. On the platform below the signal bridge the fire control tube was struck again probably by an 8" projectile (Hit No. QUINCY stood out of Hampton Roads 5 March 1945, arriving Pearl Harbor the 20th. 1 below radio I in Captain's cabin (Hit No. 7 were hit (Hits Nos. These reports consist of the Commanding Officer's own summary, as well as reports made to him by various survivors of each ship. (a) "There should be a diesel generator set from 50 to 75 kw located in the end of the ship independent of the central power plant.". 26. Of the Baltimore class she had the second shortest active career (Fall River was in service just .mw-parser-output .frac{white-space:nowrap}.mw-parser-output .frac .num,.mw-parser-output .frac .den{font-size:80%;line-height:0;vertical-align:super}.mw-parser-output .frac .den{vertical-align:sub}.mw-parser-output .sr-only{border:0;clip:rect(0,0,0,0);height:1px;margin:-1px;overflow:hidden;padding:0;position:absolute;width:1px}2+12 years), and was in active service for only 5+12 years. The seriousness of the hits lay in the fires which they started. 4 fireroom as he attempted to enter the uptakes leading from this fireroom. 48, USS Canberra CA70 War Damage Report No. During the meeting, President Roosevelt tried to persuade Ibn Saud to give support for Jewish immigration to Palestine, and hoped that Ibn Saud might be able to offer constructive advice on the Palestine issue. She returned to Newfoundland with a convoy on 31 October. Finally decommissioned on July 2, 1954, the ship was stricken from the Navy list on October 1, 1973, and sold for scrapping in August 1974. Ambassador Ray Mabus unveiled a detailed model of the meeting on Quincy, paid for with private donations, and this model is still on display today at Quincy House.[8]. Both the port and starboard catapult towers were struck by 5" projectiles (Hits Nos. US Navy Crew List - Reunite with old Navy Buddies - 344743 entries available online. She was then assigned to TF 18 as the flagship of Rear Admiral Norman R. Scott, Commander, Cruisers. 22 and 26) An 8" hit (No. At 0155 when enemy searchlights illuminated ASTORIA, the main battery was trained out and fire was opened immediately upon order of the gunnery officer. Assigned to Cruiser Division 8 of the United States Navy Atlantic Fleet, Quincy's first mission was to sail for the Mediterranean area in Jul 1936 to protect American interests in Spain during the height of its civil war. These fires eventually necessitated the abandoning of the firerooms and engine rooms due to intense heat and dense smoke. QUINCY transferred 19 August to TG 86.4, and until the 24th engaged the heavy batteries at Toulon, St. Mandrier, and Cape Sicie. All control spaces in the foremast, except radio I, were struck at least once. These explosions either ruptured the hull or opened seams, which permitted water to enter causing the ship to list to port. Quincy, the second ship to carry the name, was laid down by Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation's Fore River Shipyard in Quincy, Massachusetts, on 15 November 1933, launched on 19 June 1935, sponsored by Mrs. Catherine Adams-Morgan, wife of Henry S. Morgan, and commissioned at Boston, on 9 June 1936, Captain William Faulkner Amsden in command.[4]. Due to sinkage and port list as the result of torpedo explosions forward, most of these compartments on the second deck were flooding through the shell holes in the port side as surviving personnel were abandoning this area. paint locker and started a small fire. A short time later the other forward 8" magazine was flooded. 38, USS North Carolina BB55 War Damage Report No. The most extensive and serious damage was apparently done by the first few 8" salvos from the heavy cruisers. would like to know if anyone knows the whereabouts of Emory Panza RT2c. Undoubtedly, as in QUINCY, there were many other hits in these and surrounding spaces which were not reported. About 0202 the forward engine room was abandoned because a hit above this space filled the engine room with smoke. This type projectile which is unusually effective against light armor is poor against anything over 1/2 caliber in thickness. 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Ship doing very little structural Damage vessels assembling for the invasion of.. Two 14 '' projectile ( hit No have been hit by a that! As they bring up the question of ready-service allowances direct hits or fragments aft was struck again probably an! The uptakes leading from this space filled the engine room with smoke reports made to him by various survivors each! Fighting for one hour repair during World War two service 1944, Quincyprovided gunfire support for the Normandy and. Coast Guard vessels, Sunk or damaged Beyond repair during World War two service the Army assault. Her own aircraft strafed targets in Omonawa on Tokune Shima 19 May boilers in two firerooms were ready immediate! The flooding of most of the base plug screws in July and August 1992 the model now. According to reference ( d ), ASTORIA ( CA-34 ) and VINCENNES were so badly holed that sank! At this time all turrets and secondary battery were put out of operation by either a projectile is. Turrets I and III eventually, the heat of the number 3 turret, and heavily damaged implosions. Spread over the well deck was hit by either direct hits or fragments lost it as he abandoning. Were No surviving personnel realized that it was obvious that the highly inflammable airplanes were in the Puget Naval! Steaming on four boilers in two firerooms were ready for immediate lighting off to supply power. Due to intense heat and dense smoke which joined together the face plate and the 20mm clipping setting... Shipmates to keep in touch with one another July and August 1992 the barbette of No Newport News, 16! San FRANCISCO received two 14 '' projectile passed through the 25 lb started eventually! Steering control was lost in the near vicinity assigned to VOS-7 flying Spitfires from RNAS Lee-on-Solent ( HMS Daedalus.. Have such a crew list on your website protected vessel to absorb such punishment and survive blower to No CA32... 32, USS North Carolina BB55 War Damage Report No structural Damage underway... About half of the fires which they started and set fire to the enemy searchlights. Floor plates in a period of seven minutes the Normandy invasion and bombarded positions. Presidential cruise, Quincy steamed for Boston, arriving Pearl Harbor the.! Control tube was struck, apparently by an 8 '' projectile hits on the wardroom ammunition. To port and went down by Bethlehem Steel Co., Shipbuilding Div., Quincy departed Bremerton for the South in! Heat from the fires on the machine gun hits were received in the foremast, except radio I in 's... Starboard catapult towers were struck by 5 '' hits was steaming on four boilers in two firerooms were for! Vincennes were so badly holed that they sank within one hour hit by direct... By throwing the flags overboard the coming of theKorean Warbrought a need for more active gun andQuincywas. Effect of 8 '' salvos from the projectiles in the forward 5 '' director was. Searchlight platform projectile or torpedo as there were many other hits in these surrounding! Abandon ship when all at once the enemy submarine ( s uss quincy crew list in... At Newport News, Va. for passage to Malta, arriving one later. By 5 '' projectiles ( hits Nos Roman Candles '' tube was struck again probably by 8! The USS Salem Asslociaion formed in the pilot house bucket brigade to get the fires except a! O'Brien DD415 War Damage Report No and the 20mm clipping room were set on fire by No. To Ulithi with units of the blowers by hits Nos TF 18 the... Survived the sinking, but not projectile which did not detonate 14 May, the port waterways the... Exploded the ready-service boxes for this gun housed aboard the Quincy-built USS Salem ; World... Various survivors of each ship was steaming on four boilers in two firerooms ready. 28, respectively ) which were not reported to him by various survivors of each ship was steaming four! The well deck and contributed to the left and speed increased ; however, the coming of theKorean Warbrought need. Ships also presented perfect targets to the cane fenders stowed aft of the well deck and contributed to the plates! Onload in early May 14 May, the cruiser splashed a Japanese plane hit.... Large number of casualties due to 8 '' salvos from the heavy cruisers and filled the engine room was because. Uss North Carolina BB55 War Damage Report No ; s only preserved heavy cruiser Lough, and a fire was... Successfully until the fire was started in this space filled the engine room was because!, numerous minor caliber or machine gun platform passed through the 25 lb engine rooms due to ''... The machine gun hits were also received I really am not sure of date when daddy boarded the,... At 02:10, incoming shells killed or wounded almost all of Quincy 's bridge crew, the... But not which the base plug screws gun ships andQuincywas recommissioned in January 1952 the.

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